Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

We are always eat The junk food and also many indicative items. Due to that we suffer from constipation or stomach pain due to Indigestive or less digestive food.

We can make our digestive system improved. I got some information from my whatsapp mobile so I am sharing with you ,will improve your digestive system. Know what to Eat.


Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?
1. Nuts , it is good for health but at some extent it would somewhat hard to digest for human body.

It takes about 180 min (3 hrs )  to digest for regular lifestyle.

Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

2 .  Vegetables , it is also good for health and also easy to digest for human body.

Vegetables will be easily digest in human body.
It takes about 30-40 min to digest.
It means you can eat again after 40  min short time.

Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

3.   Potatos , Now  a days almost every Fast food contain Potato in it.
on average every human takes Fast food in their daily life.

It somewhat hard to digest . it takes about 90-120 min. (Average 2 hrs)
Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

4.  Water does not takes any time to digest. Every Doctor Recommends to drink more water in daily life.


Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

5.  Meat is very hard to digest . It takes almost 180 min ( 3 hrs ) to digest in daily life.
Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

6. Vegetable is Good but Cooked Vegetables is Better.

It takes about 40 min Only.

Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

7. Fruits are very healthy for human body.
every one should eat Fruit in daily life.

it takes only 15-20 min only.
Know Digest Timing of Our Food. What to eat?

8. Milk products takes 120 min to digest.

