Management Skills : What is time management ?

Management Skills : What is time management ?

Management Skills : What is time management ? Learn how to manage time.Time management article is here for you.

Management Skills : What is time management ? Learn how to manage time.Time management article is here for you.
Management Skills : What is time management ?
Time is Money ,Yet there are never more than 24 hours in a day.
With Perfect Time Management, you can work efficiently, productively, and relatively stress-free.

Here are Some tips for effectively manage your time:

1. Fix your goals for Time Period (or) Time Limit

Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your Perticular goals, both short- and long-term. Setting a goal for Time Period will Push your work which is more effective.
Your daily plan should revolve around working on tasks and activities that directly relate to your work on goals.

Know Things that Successful People Always do 

2. Plan

Planning is the first and most important step in any management task. It also is the most often overlooked or purposely skipped step.
Plan can be changed time to time to achieve goals in different conditions.

Make a full effective Plan as per Work Priority.
It means prioritize your work in such manner that every task should be completed on exact timing.

Stephen Covey, co-author of First Things First, offers an organizational tool for your to-do list based on how important and urgent tasks are.


Here are some tips how to categorize your work (Task) in Priority Manner.👇

Important and urgent — Tasks that must be done. And should done right now.

Important but not much urgent — Tasks that point as important, but if you do it after some time will not affect your goal.

Urgent but not important — Some Tasks that make the more “noise,” but it makes no Value on completetion.

Not urgent and not important — Low-priority task that offer the illusion of “being busy.” Do them as not affect your important task.

Remember that always Write down your task. Write three to four “important and urgent” tasks that must be complete today. As you complete each one, check it on your list. This way is more and more affective.

Plan ahead.
The advance planning will always make a successful day.

Plan the night before — At the end of the day, take 15 minutes to clear your desk and make a list of the next day. Find most important tasks. It’s more useful for your next morning.

3. Remove distractions.

Most people start paying attention to the number of interruption when they are in the midst of an important task. Remove your self from that interruptions, particularly those of the social media variety. Your smartphone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the most time wasting way.

It may take a massive exercise , but shut the door and turn off your phone to maximize your time. You can plan a break in the day to catch up on email, call people back, talk with staff, etc.


4. Take care of yourself.

Be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a high-functioning mind.

Taking care of your self also save your time.
Because if health is not good then you can not effective at work for your goals.
So eat good , stay good.

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